Understanding An Early Start to STEAM Education For Kids

STEM/STEAM Education and children Not all skills are taught in schools, or taught in every school. The disparity between the education system and vital skills was already widening day by day; COVID-19 just pushed that even further. The longer the kids stay away from school, greater are the chances of them ‘forgetting’ what they learned. How do you then keep up with the pace of this changing landscape? The question to ask ourselves is if there is a way to stay sane and not lose ourselves in the chaos? Enter STEM/STEAM education is making waves across the world. Surprisingly though, when we questioned some parents, many of them were still clueless about it. STEM/STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and the newly added Arts or Astronomy) education develops foundational skills in children in addition to help them build grit and growth mindset for kids. We at the Inspirely Education strongly believe, introducing STEAM related education in early childhood could pay divi...